Saturday, 31 May 2014

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Firefighter Academy


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Firefighter Academy is a study and training guide for firefighters. This is an excellent tool to help you pass your initial certification exam with flying colors, or to refresh and keep your skills sharp long after you become certified. This fun interactive quiz software, or "electronic flashcards", provides the most sample questions you will find for firefighters at this price.

Over 500 FIREFIGHTER questions, many with explanations, divided into these chapters:

--Fire Service Orientation

--Incident Command System

--Fire Behavior

--Bldg Construction



--Ropes & Knots

--Search & Rescue

--Forcible Entry



--Water Supply

--Fire Hose

--Fire Streams

--Fire Control

--Detection Systems

--Loss Control

--Fire Cause


--Intro to Hazmat

Firefighter II Chapters:

--Communications II


--Assisting Special Rescue

--Hose Testing

--Using Foam

--Fire Control II

--Detection Systems II

--Loss Control II

--Fire Cause II

--Prevention & Education

Plus we have a section of visual picture-based quizzes, because we all like to look at pictures, right?

Over 75 DRIVER OPERATOR/UTILITY questions divided into these chapters:

--Types of Fire Apparatus

--Inspection and Maintenance

--Operating Emergency Vehicles

--Positioning Apparatus

--Apparatus Testing

(we're planning on adding Pumper questions in a future update)

As a special bonus, we're added more quizzes covering these related topics:

--Medical First Responder (over 125 questions)

--NIMS IS-700 (over 25 questions)

--Wildland Fire (25 questions)

--CPR Reference Guide


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I suppose, this week is one of the best Jon Favreau are ever had. The Iron Man and Iron Man 2 director blew all expectations with its first entry into the superhero genre, and laid the foundations for The Avengers, which I 'm sure you all know the movie theaters this Friday. Favreau, Executive Producer, that the film is already breaking box office records overseas, and now Variety reports that he and Jason Bateman, Melissa McCarthy and Amanda Peet in the upcoming comedy Seth Gordon will join Identity thief download Firefighter Academy 1.1 apk . Chalk play to another highlight for the man, Tony Stark's bodyguard Happy Hogan.

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Voice Reading is a simple and intuitive app for read aloud text. Using the Android share feature you can send any data from other apps to Voice Reading.

PRO version:

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Text - Select a text from any apps (e.g. Message, Email, ...) and share it. The text will be read aloud.

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File - Voice Reading also accept text files. Share the path and it will read the file content.

Message: Show notification when new messages arrive.

Please contact us if you have any questions or problems. And also let us know what we can do to make the app better for you.

We hope you enjoy Voice Reading.

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Showrunners 2012: New Girl Liz Meriwether, Brett Baer and David FinkelIt was immediately precipitated which was the best idea, and if he said yes, it was so exciting,not decided yeting 3D and IMAX cameras for use on ' Robopocalypse 'Interesting, very interesting. My hope is that he take a look at the 70mm footage, is thrilled by it , and dives head first into the IMAX world. I would love to shot a Spielberg-shot sci-fi movie on IMAX, with IMAX, looking and sounding bigger and better than ever see free ふれあい出版局 1.0.1 torrent download . But he's not house too much on technical factors, like him, adds the person shooting Raiders was still advising the person to take the pictures today is not other way. He tells me what you did in 1981 to. Listen to think less of thought, more action If that means that you try them on and really, to see if 70mm IMAX cameras can be used in a Spielberg sci-fi production, we let him get working again.

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Step 1: Install GO SMS PRO from the Market/Google Play (it's FREE!)

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Just last month, High Fidelity director Stephen Frears ,, the adaptation / remake of the Sundance selected documentary The Bengali Detective lead, and his adaptation of Lay the Favorite with Bruce Willis and Rebecca Hall Sundance Sundance in January download apk free . Now Variety has word that Frears is also set to renew for another of an old estate with a remake of the 1984 British gangster flick The Hit. The original film writer Peter Prince with Frears working on remake of his own film, which takes the effect of the UK Film and move. Them in Mexico and the United States.

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Tizzy Seasons for Kids


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Tizzy Seasons, is a beautifully illustrated educational game designed to teach your kids about the Seasons of the Year.

Learning about the Seasons of the Year has never been so much fun!!! With this beautifully illustrated, imaginative play app from Tizzy Labs, you will be able to help your child explore their natural wonder and curiosity of life, as they experience Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter.

Filled with Fantastic Activities, your child (ages 2-6) will have fun while they learn about the Seasons of the Year. Take a look below at some of the Activities that Tizzy Seasons has to offer:


- Feed the Birds in Your Child's very own Birdhouse

- Plant a Garden

- Find the Shapes in the Clouds

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Plus so much more!!!

- Imaginative Play designed to teach your child about different activities during each Season

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Imaginative Playtime

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1) What kinds of activities are featured?

There are all sorts of games for your child to enjoy. Connect the Dots ( Dot to Dots ), Matching Games, Sorting Games, Color and Size based Games, Counting Games, Imaginative Games, as well as reinforcing the basics using Cognitive Learning Skills, Visual Spatial Skills & Fine Motor Skills.

2) Does my child need to be able to read English in order to play?

Absolutely not. Tizzy Seasons uses activities, instead of text based games to show your child all the fun of the Seasons. Regardless of the country you live in your toddler /or preschooler will be able to pick up this app and have a blast playing it.

3) Is there a free or lite version I can try to see if I like it first?

Yes. It has all the beauty of the full version, but some of the game and activities are not available. The Free version will definitely give you and your child a fantastic idea of what Tizzy Seasons is all about.

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To be honest, it gets a little out of hand, and how Parks ' monologue goes a little too long download Tizzy Seasons for Kids 1.4 for free . Fortunately, the services we are always engaged and invested in the story. One can say that the hype and the length of the two religious zealots and the subsequent fight against the law over-the - top, but I guess that is why Smith calls it a horror film. At the heart of Red State is a genre movie with characters that may seem like caricatures, but it makes them no less relevant or powerful on the screen. Smith movie is preachy? Does that mean that the film should be nothing more to be written, as to preach to the choir? Hell, here is what Smith has done. A big step as a filmmaker, and deliver a story that will tackle a real relevant topic in our society in the way the villain that everyone hates.

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The question is circles 'Cleopatra' reunited with writer Eric RothThis year, there was word that The Social Network director David Fincher went to the Cleopatra biopic starring Angelina Jolie for a little while for a little while now take supporting CandleFire apk free download . However, Fincher got busy with his new adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and the project is laid at rest. But with the post-production on the December release comes to an end, Fincher again circling the project with Jolie still attached, but now Forrest Gump and Fincher, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button writer Eric Roth is in early talks the script of the film based on Stacy ship biography Cleopatra: A Life.

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Speed camera radar (PRO)


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This application does not contains any advertisements!

This application is used to detect real hazards on the road, such as speed cameras (mobile ambush, static speed cameras, red light cameras), speed bumps, bad roads and etc.

The application plays the sound and shows hazard on the map and distance to this hazard.

If you are connected to the internet you will be able to monitor the traffic jams.

There is a feature update the database of the hazards.

The application may run in the background (even when the screen is off), just enable option "Use speech when hazard detected".

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The teaser they showed, no a real dialogue looked much like a Mad Max+ The Warriors+ 28 Weeks Later+ other futuristic action movies all combined into one. It had elements of all go three, locked with a and leave , ranging from Scotland, then a tribe of people who have survived in this area, starting then, the elite group sent to find out what is to fight. It looked like a great filmmaking, but I can not say exactly, I'm still sold there download Speed camera radar (PRO) apk free . It and and miss pretty, and for their own sake than Neil Marshall, I hope it's a hit.

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Offline Map Gran Canaria

Travel & Local

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This map of Gran Canaria is ready to go: just install and this map is always with you whether you are connected or not. High-detail map with many points of interest, such as hotels, museums, restaurants, shops, parks, viewpoints, banks. Or search for any street by name.

High-detail map of Gran Canaria, Spain.

Easy to use, no map downloads required, all data is packed inside.

Works entirely without internet connection. No data costs. No exposure to insecure wifi networks.

Search for points of interest (hotels, museums, transport, banks etc).

Alphabetic street index.

Compass and line to destination for easy navigation: detailed route to destination (new functionality: beta).

Configurable map detail. Highest detail with topographic mode.

Personalize with user waypoints and saved map views.

No advertising. No in-app-purchases required.

Minimal permissions. No access to your private data (apart from your location). No spyware.

Frequent updates.

Adapted screen layout for Android tablets.

Improved for devices with high-resolution screens.

By selecting a map area you can search around any point in the map to find the closest points of interest. You can save map views (area and zoomlevel) for easy orientation. And you can save waypoints to mark interesting spots on the map.

We take your privacy seriously. Our maps only require access to your location data to show your position on the map and read/write access to cache map data for better performance. This map does not access any other private data and does not transmit any data from your phone.

This map is based on data (C) OpenStreetmap ( and contributors under a Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike License (

OpenStreetmap is a collaborative, wiki-like mapping project. It is particularly important to understand that the map data supplied by OpenStreetMap might be incomplete or unreliable. The openly-editable wiki nature of the OpenStreetMap mapping system means that there will always be some inaccuracies and omissions. You should make your own judgement about the accuracy of the supplied map. Always use our maps in conjunction with your eyes and your common sense. There is no warranty for the quality of the map data. This map must not be used in situations where inaccurate, misleading or missing data can lead to damage to assets, injury or loss of life.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Other names: 西班牙大加那 - Gran Canaria, Espanja - Gran Canaria, Espagne - Gran Canaria, Spagna - グランカナリア島、スペイン - 그랑의 카나리아, 스페인 - Гран-Канария, Испания - Gran Canaria, İspanya

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The fear factor that they are placed in a flashback to the late 1890s, haunted burned as marauding villagers along the vampire undermines that Dracula and his wife and new baby Mavis call home. He and the baby survived, and the hotel is built to help offset the overprotective, single father questions remain download Offline Map Gran Canaria 4.1 free android app . Push and pull between parents and adolescents is one of the central conflicts film, with skilful use of Gomez Mavis rebellion return to that other strong and resilient she hits teen on Disney Channel Wizards of Waverly Place . The The large number of experienced comic voices involved Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Kevin James, David Spade, Jon Lovitz, Molly Shannon and Fran Drescher Transylvania a few bites, just not enough to burn down the house -. Actress and pop star Selena Gomez, soul singer Cee Lo Green and Steve Buscemi, the master of the radio , to round out this creepy group.

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Books & Reference

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The “Rise of the Guardians” storybook app retells the exciting story of the movie. Join forces with the legendary Guardians in this narrated storybook. Fans follow Jack Frost, North, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy as they come together for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs and imagination of the children from the evil spirit known as Pitch.

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Matt Reeves Tops ' Dawn of the Planet of the Apes ' Director ShortlistIn addition, the disappearance of Alice Creed Director J download Rise of the Guardians 1.0 free android app . Blakeson, 28 Weeks Later director Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, director Jeff Nichols Take Shelter and The Impossible director Juan Antonio Bayona are on the list to replace Wyatt. A decision will be made in the near future be be a great challenge for Wyatt enough time to finish a high-quality film, a 23rd Meet May 2014 publication. The script by Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver is already done, and a director collected picked up. Reeves is my favorite pick on the list, but I still want Wyatt was sticking around.

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Mau Mau is a classic card game on your mobile phone screen for two to four players. The game is played against three computer opponents, so that a total of four players can participate in the game. The player may choose in the menu a different number of players (two to four) and select which players should be present.

The player's cards are located at the bottom of the screen. The game is turn-based, each time a player moves, (s)he either plays card from hands or takes a card from the base pile. The goal of the game is to get rid of all the cards from the hand.

Those three guys don't cheat. They get same random cards as you, and don't see at each other's cards or under the pile. They use their own logic to play, same like you can.

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Benicio Del Toro in ' Star Trek 2' But Khan perhaps the Villain BeAlthough the report last week was quickly by a denial from Abrams himself, Vulture has it followed that Zack Snyder initially denied rumors that General Zod would the villain in the Man of Steel and now Michael Shannon plays the comic book villain in his film. Honestly, now, this is only the most high profile game of the new phone along with The Dark Knight Rises download Mau Mau apk free . Either way, Abrams is a new actor, the villain role that will probably feature recently cast Peter Weller as an unknown older secondary role at his side looking to fill a detail said if Alice Eve has been cast in the sequel to last week. For now we will take this with a grain of salt, since a lot a lot of dissension in the ranks, but hopefully we will see some official news agency closer soon as the actual production start date next year looms.

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This is a key to unlock features in GasRecord. This application does not run on its own, you need to download the free version of GasRecord AND this key to unlock the paid Plus features.


A gas tracking program for multiple vehicles. With only a few keystrokes, you can record fuel purchases and calculate gas mileage or gas economy.

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Please email me with bugs or suggestions!

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A local consortium led by David Anselmo Hideaway Pictures, converted an abandoned hockey arena into a 20,000-square-foot studios GasRecord Key 1.0 apk free download .The left Canada 's northern hinterland as a temporary location for foreign producers in in seach regional incentives.A disused hockey arena in Sudbury has become in a single span, 000-square-foot sound stage for local and foreign producers.There is also protection against the cold northern Canadian winter in the Northern Ontario film studio complex, span 000 square meters space, dressing rooms, a green covers, storage and parking.

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When newly elected president of the Academy Hawk Koch then tapped musical comedy veterans Zadan and Meron in August, focuses on the speculations about possible hosts musical veterans like Hugh Jackman, who deals with the role of the general applause in 2009 download BestRoute AdFree 1.9.85 for free . But that was never a possibility, because the actor finishing 25th in The Wolverine then musical promote Oscar contender Les Miserables, opening December, limiting his availability. A bandied other option was about Queen Latifah - Zadan and Meron are the executive producers will be at her Steel Magnolias, October on Lifetime and exec produced 2002 in Chicago, nominated for an Oscar nominated for an Oscar - but apparently not progress beyond a first interview. This is probably Seth advantages over the Oscars, says Brad Adgate Horizon Media. He's very funny, but not the high recognition value of a film or television star. This is an in in a younger audience as as the Grammys. Yet his core audience is typically light viewers the kind of movies that rule - - or awards. .

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Imagine having the nutritional information for hundreds of thousands of restaurant and supermarket foods right in the palm of your hand. Track your daily intake and monitor the results over time. With Dotti’s Food Tracker you can!

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Actor who Joining 'Mortal Instruments: City of Bones 'spawn Looking at a new film series, the first book follows in the series, a young woman discovers who she is the descendant of a locked secret squad of half - angel warrior named Shadow Hunters in an old fight to protect the world from demons. Rhys Meyers in talks for the role of Valentine Morgenstern, described as a powerful, but look mad Shadowhunter to the world pure to any price Sounds like a funny role for the actor, who has delivered solid performances in films such as mission: Impossible 3 and Match Point download Dotti's Weight Loss Tracker 1 free android app .

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Did you know that your mobile can speak Mandarin?

Have Yun read aloud texts from your e-book, navigation, translation and other apps in a Mandarin female, high quality and natural-sounding voice powered by SVOX.

When combined with TTS-enabled apps, Yun can:

- give directions, allowing you to keep your eyes on the road while you're driving

- read a notification containing the caller / sender's name, and read the content of an incoming call / sms / mms / email

- read aloud your favorite e-books or pdf documents

- help you learn Mandarin by reading aloud the correct pronunciation

and much more… the possibilities are limitless!

Browse for a list of compatible apps and voice demos.

NEW! Pronunciation correction feature: correct the default output according to your preferences!


1. Install and run the voice app once

2. Install free SVOX Classic Text-to-Speech Engine

3. Go to Android Settings -> Voice Input & Output -> Text-to-Speech settings.

Activate SvoxClassic at the bottom of the screen.

Select SvoxClassic as the Default Engine.

4. Run the voice app, click “Continue”, then follow the instructions.

5. Your SVOX Voice main screen will be now visible. Don’t forget to try the new pronunciations correction feature (‘pencil’ icon)!

6. Download other free / paid apps to combine our voice with. For example, you could try: Google Navigation (on Android 2.2 and later, only with Navigation < 5.9), Moon+ Reader PRO, Voice Actions Plus, TalkToMe Classic, Book Speech Audio Books, Transzilla, Good Morning, WakeVoice...

Browse for a list of frequently asked questions.

And now … enjoy your new SVOX voice!


1. Run the voice app

2. Click on the ‘pencil’ icon. The pronunciation correction screen will now be shown.

3. Tap on the Android menu key and select ‘Help’

== NOTES ==

1. Google Navigation requires that the Text-to-Speech voice matches the phone language. You can change the phone language in Android Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Select language

Compatible with Google Navigation version < 5.9

2. On Android 2.1 and earlier, only some apps, like Google Translation, support changing voices.

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A comedy andrmo del Toro to Direct Disney's Haunted Mansion reboot Del Toro, who was there, his brief, what he was going to make do with The Haunted Mansion, that they stay true to the art and aesthetics of the original drive to the Disney Imagineers created download SVOX Mandarin/普通话 Yun Voice 3.1.4 apk . They are not as a comedy, and Eddie Murphy will definitely again. He also says that they are going to make it scary and fun at the same time. 'But the fear will be scary, 'del Toro promised. For for hardcore fans of the ride is the mythology comes to be created 'Spirit Box Hat. 'who is return. The original Haunted Mansion ride in Disneyland opened in 1969 and has been updated and expanded over the years.

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Hand-held Jonathan Liebesman Officially Clash of the Titans 2Do not worry, he will give us a kick ass sequel. In June in June that director Jonathan Liebesman, who is currently on the alien invasion action film Battle: Los Angeles, one of the top contenders was taking over for Louis Leterrier at Warner Bros Cake Mania Celebrity Chef Varies with device apk free download . ' Clash of the Titans sequel. Although early reports in recent days to first determine that he is not quite ready up on, Heat Vision now reports that Liebesman has a contract a contract and is directing Clash of the Titans 2 next Battle: LA. Sam Worthington and the rest of the cast will be reprising their roles, with the script coming together now. Well, that's all for this edition of Casting Tidbits. Be careful for more casting updates on the way stay tuned.

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But something about Corinealdi who initially auditioned supportive role supporting role, grabbed DuVernay. - 'Move here, it is so easy, what comes your way to do is,'Corinealdi said at a lunch near her North Hollywood home free Cex.IO by Daxsoft Varies with device torrent download . The 32 - year-old little attention on the street, despite its striking pixie haircut, prominent cheekbones and soulful brown eyes. 'Making this election may have an renewed my journey. That I could think of 'to be this kind of career, she said.