Movielicious Media & Video Download .apk Do you have a large Blu-ray or DVD collection? Movielicious is a simple yet powerful app that helps you manage your movie library.
With Movielicious you can quickly add, find, view, and edit movie information in your movie collection. New movies can be added by searching a variety of data sources using free text search or by scanning barcodes of DVD or Blu-ray cases. You can organize movies into the collection you own and into a wish list.
• Honeycomb tablet support
• IMDb integration
• Wish list
• Share movie collection or wish list via email, etc
• Add movies via barcode scanning
• Add movies via online search in several data sources
• Add movies via manual entry
• Shelf view and list view of movie library
• Search your movie collection by movie title, year, or actor
• Filter you movie collection by genre, director, format, lent out, or watched status
• Share your favorite movies via Facebook, Twitter, or Google+
• Rate movies
• Keep track of when a movie was last watched
• Keep track of who a movie was lent out to
• Handles all modern formats (DVD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD) as well as older formats (VHS, 35mm, 16mm), plus the ability to add custom formats
• If you have the IMDb Android app installed, tapping a movie title, actor, or director in the movie details screen attempts to open the item in the IMDb app.
• Backup and restore your movie library
• Import movie library from the iOS version of Movielicious
• Import movie library from: Extreme Movie Manager, Ant Movie Catalog, MBase2, Personal Video Database, DVD Profiler, Delicious Library, CatVids, Collectorz Movie Collector, Filmotech, MyMovielicious 3, EAX Movie Collection, Kava Movielicious, MeD's Movie Manager, M-DVD, Generic TXT file with movie titles, Generic CSV file with movie information.
Note that importing a movie library from another application is non-trivial and requires several manual steps. If you are not a technical user you may want to think twice before attempting it. Visit our website for a walkthrough and FAQ on importing:
If you have any feedback or support questions, don't hesitate to contact us through our contact form or support forum:
Change history:
- Improved performance of shelf view
- Added more information to list view
- Moved plot to bottom of movie detail screen
- Added possibility to share collection or wish list via email, etc.
- Added wish list (tap title bar to toggle between wish list and movie collection)
- Removed import by selecting file since it was confusing a lot of people. Just place your file at the top of the SD card and Movielicious will find it automatically when you choose to import.
- Minor bug fixes
- Redesigned movie details screen (see screenshots), including landscape orientation
- Improved support for Honeycomb tablets (see screenshots)
- Added personal ratings
- Renamed application
- Added filters for genre, director, format, lent out, and watched status
- Fixed search by year
- Renamed "media" to "format"
- Added Export feature for backing up movies. Available in Menu.
- Added Delete Movie Library feature for deleting movie database and cover art files. Available in Settings menu.
- Improved performance of import by 25% or more. Larger archives should see larger performance increases.
- Improved error handling of import feature. If something goes wrong the exception name and message is displayed. Please send this information to the developer to help you troubleshoot.

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