Thursday, 31 July 2014

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GTA 5 Info Pro


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GTA 5 Info Pro is the best informational app about Grand Theft Auto 5 on the market. With one tap you can view all of the cheats available for the game. You can view every weapon available and see their purchase price, ammo price, damage, as well as other cool info. The vehicles screen will allow you to see everything from trucks to planes to boats. The character screen shows you a picture of each character for quick reference, as well as a brief description. The application will be updated frequently, and likely EVERY DAY DURING GTAV LAUNCH WEEK.

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Every so often something that you something that you cry, make Holy crap, I live in the future!Survive And, because it happens you have to be a horror game download GTA 5 Info Pro apk free . The game starts off light but quickly becomes dark, in more ways than one, if you get through the tutorial stages. Load the game and grab some headphones. You need to concentrate even the smallest noises to survive to survive this title.

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Raise The Bar Pro


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The PRO version of Raise the Bar is here!

Proud to bring you:

*AD FREE!!!!


*Patterns for bars!!

*More goodies in the future!

Raise the Bar is an easy-to-use activity goal tracking app. Our sole purpose in creating it was to have a fun way to "level up" different aspects of our lives. You can use it seriously, for important goals you want to keep track of, or you can use it playfully, for anything you want! Simply make a new bar and start tracking the amount you do something, or start a timer to automatically track the time you spend doing it. What are you waiting for?? Go level up your life!!

**** Features *****

- Active Timetracking

- Set Goals to Achieve

- ToDo Lists

- Unlimited Goals!

- Color or Pattern Your Bars!

- Daily/Weekly/Monthly Stats (now enhanced)

- Time/Amount Tracking

- Editable Data! (edit in daily bar graph)

- FAQ section for help

**** How does it work? *****

-You set the activity. (Be creative!)

-Pick category of bar: Level-Up or Achieve Goal (more information in FAQ)

-You choose the type: Time spent or # of "reps."

(Activities can often be tracked with either type, so choose freely!)

**** Examples *****

Time Spent








*Dog Walking


Amount (#)

*Calories Eaten

*Miles Ran

*Books Read

*Beers Drank

*Hours Slept


*Peaks Climbed

*Cities Visited

*Hotdogs Eaten

ToDo List Examples:



*Christmas Shopping




Feedback: Use the "Report Issue" feature in the slideout menu, or email us!

**Seriously though, please send us feedback so we can make the app even better! Your comments/questions help us make a better 'game' for EVERYONE!! (And seriously, we'll probably implement most things you ask us just ASK!!)**

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Watch: Zac Efron is Touchy Feely in First Trailer for 'The Lucky One ''You should be kissed every day, every hour, every minute. 'It seems kind of odd that it's taken so long for Zac Efron to star. In an adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks novel, but here we are with the first trailer for The Lucky One When the plot came out Synopsis for The Last Photograph by Zack Snyder, I knew the plot sounds vaguely familiar, and this is the reason download Raise The Bar Pro 2.1 free android app . The film by director Scott Hicks follows a Marine North Carolina North Carolina after serving in Iraq and searches for the unknown woman from a photograph that he was on the battlefield, that he believes that his lucky found. See below!

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Pro Manga Mobile


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Time to Tom Hanks and Halle Berry to meet again. In the new Wachowski film download Pro Manga Mobile 0.1.4 free android app . With only three months until the release and a premiere in TIFF this fall the Cloud Atlas adaptation seems to be revealed at last forever. Remember, the first two official photos from the film in our very first look at Tom Hanks as well as Halle Berry, and Jim Broadbent and Ben Whishaw in the movie. Remember, at least for Hanks & Berry, this is just one of six of their appearance / costumes as part of the different plot lines this. We thought about this individual signs as aspects of the larger characters, said Lana Wachowski. Your life is more than a great story that takes place over a thousand years interwoven with each other. Excited longer.

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Media & Video

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Do you have a large Blu-ray or DVD collection? Movielicious is a simple yet powerful app that helps you manage your movie library.

With Movielicious you can quickly add, find, view, and edit movie information in your movie collection. New movies can be added by searching a variety of data sources using free text search or by scanning barcodes of DVD or Blu-ray cases. You can organize movies into the collection you own and into a wish list.


• Honeycomb tablet support

• IMDb integration

• Wish list

• Share movie collection or wish list via email, etc

• Add movies via barcode scanning

• Add movies via online search in several data sources

• Add movies via manual entry

• Shelf view and list view of movie library

• Search your movie collection by movie title, year, or actor

• Filter you movie collection by genre, director, format, lent out, or watched status

• Share your favorite movies via Facebook, Twitter, or Google+

• Rate movies

• Keep track of when a movie was last watched

• Keep track of who a movie was lent out to

• Handles all modern formats (DVD, Blu-ray, HD-DVD) as well as older formats (VHS, 35mm, 16mm), plus the ability to add custom formats

• If you have the IMDb Android app installed, tapping a movie title, actor, or director in the movie details screen attempts to open the item in the IMDb app.

• Backup and restore your movie library

• Import movie library from the iOS version of Movielicious

• Import movie library from: Extreme Movie Manager, Ant Movie Catalog, MBase2, Personal Video Database, DVD Profiler, Delicious Library, CatVids, Collectorz Movie Collector, Filmotech, MyMovielicious 3, EAX Movie Collection, Kava Movielicious, MeD's Movie Manager, M-DVD, Generic TXT file with movie titles, Generic CSV file with movie information.

Note that importing a movie library from another application is non-trivial and requires several manual steps. If you are not a technical user you may want to think twice before attempting it. Visit our website for a walkthrough and FAQ on importing:



If you have any feedback or support questions, don't hesitate to contact us through our contact form or support forum:



Change history:


- Improved performance of shelf view

- Added more information to list view

- Moved plot to bottom of movie detail screen


- Added possibility to share collection or wish list via email, etc.


- Added wish list (tap title bar to toggle between wish list and movie collection)

- Removed import by selecting file since it was confusing a lot of people. Just place your file at the top of the SD card and Movielicious will find it automatically when you choose to import.

- Minor bug fixes


- Redesigned movie details screen (see screenshots), including landscape orientation

- Improved support for Honeycomb tablets (see screenshots)

- Added personal ratings

- Renamed application


- Added filters for genre, director, format, lent out, and watched status

- Fixed search by year

- Renamed "media" to "format"


- Added Export feature for backing up movies. Available in Menu.

- Added Delete Movie Library feature for deleting movie database and cover art files. Available in Settings menu.

- Improved performance of import by 25% or more. Larger archives should see larger performance increases.

- Improved error handling of import feature. If something goes wrong the exception name and message is displayed. Please send this information to the developer to help you troubleshoot.

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Be sure to back THEFEED for Sony's Tokyo Game Show press conference, perhaps more about the alleged PS3 Slim, and find out what the company working. The event starts at 21 free Movielicious 1.6.1 torrent download .00 clock PT on 18th September 2012 and to our Tokyo Game Show site then. Head for all the updates that you need.

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Droid PRoCon


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This application works as a standalone remote administration tool to manage your game servers for Battlefield 3.

Yes, you can change pretty much all of your settings, as well as maps, lists, chats. It also allows you to chat and interact (ban,kick,move,..) in real time with players currently logged onto your server.

This application will allow you to connect your Android device straight to the (PC-Version) "Battlefield 3" game servers, or to the Procon's Layer Server.

In the latter case you will take advantage of Procon's sub-admin account management and plugins.


This product now includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from

Flag icons are made by

The BF3 RCon protocol does not support extended characters (è,à,ù,ò,ä,ö,ü, ..) therefore this app behave like the PC PRoCon version (these special characters will be skipped for chat messages).


This app is not an official tool nor is it in any way connected to the game's developers or publisher. The game developers did not release any server administration software themselves.

All in-game descriptions, characters, locations, imagery of game's content are copyright to their respective owners. Usage for this tool falls within fair use guidelines.

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Animated Short La Maison en Petits Cubes Lavatory - Lovestory Oktapodi Presto This Way UpSUPPORTING ACTOR Josh Brolin - Milk Robert Downey Jr download Droid PRoCon 1.81 free android app . - Tropic Thunder Philip Seymour Hoffman - Doubt Heath Ledger - The Dark Knight Michael Shannon - Revolutionary RoadMAKEUP The Curious Case of Benjamin Button The Dark Knight Hellboy II: The Golden ArmyForeign Language Film The Baader Meinhof Complex The Class Departures Revanche Waltz With BashirACTOR Richard Jenkins - The Visitor Frank Langella - Frost / Nixon Sean Penn - Milk Brad Pitt - the Curious Case of Benjamin Button Mickey Rourke - The Wrestlerdirector Danny Boyle - Slumdog Millionaire Stephen Daldry - the Reader Clint Eastwood - Changeling David Fincher - the Curious Case of Benjamin Button Ron Howard - Frost / Nixondocumentary Short the Conscience Nhem En the Final Inch smile Pinki the Witness - From the Balcony of Room 306documentary the Betrayal Encounters at the End of the World the Garden Man on Wire trouble the WaterVISUAL EFFECTS the Curious Case of Benjamin Button the Dark Knight Iron ManSo with this very diverse selection of candidates, it looks like it year could be an interesting than before. It's time to start your predictions. Who will be the big winner this year?

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SVOX AU English Olivia Voice


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Did you know that your mobile can speak Australian English?

Have Olivia read aloud texts from your e-book, navigation, translation and other apps in an Australian English female, high quality and natural-sounding voice powered by SVOX.

When combined with TTS-enabled apps, Olivia can:

- give directions, allowing you to keep your eyes on the road while you're driving

- read a notification containing the caller / sender's name, and read the content of an incoming call / sms / mms / email

- read aloud your favorite e-books or pdf documents

- help you learn English by reading aloud the correct pronunciation

and much more… the possibilities are limitless!

Browse for a list of compatible apps and voice demos.

NEW! Pronunciation correction feature: correct the default output according to your preferences!


1. Install and run the voice app once

2. Install free SVOX Classic Text-to-Speech Engine

3. Go to Android Settings -> Voice Input & Output -> Text-to-Speech settings.

Activate SvoxClassic at the bottom of the screen.

Select SvoxClassic as the Default Engine.

4. Run the voice app, click “Continue”, then follow the instructions.

5. Your SVOX Voice main screen will be now visible. Don’t forget to try the new pronunciations correction feature (‘pencil’ icon)!

6. Download other free / paid apps to combine our voice with. For example, you could try: Google Navigation (on Android 2.2 and later, only with Navigation < 5.9), Moon+ Reader PRO, Voice Actions Plus, TalkToMe Classic, Book Speech Audio Books, Transzilla, Good Morning, WakeVoice...

Browse for a list of frequently asked questions.

And now … enjoy your new SVOX voice!


1. Run the voice app

2. Click on the ‘pencil’ icon. The pronunciation correction screen will now be shown.

3. Tap on the Android menu key and select ‘Help’

== NOTES ==

1. Google Navigation requires that the Text-to-Speech voice matches the phone language. You can change the phone language in Android Settings -> Language & keyboard -> Select language

Compatible with Google Navigation version < 5.9

2. On Android 2.1 and earlier, only some apps, like Google Translation, support changing voices.

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Debut, which the Ice Age Continental Drift One day I hope to write a two - reeler.Jean his toughest his toughest scene in the past year? 'The work on the episode where Lady Gaga came to Springfield and I credit:. Turned they themselves make voiceover debut, which a lot of courage,'he says SVOX AU English Olivia Voice 3.1.4 apk free download .

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Notification For SmartWatch


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This is the extension to really enjoy your smartwatch2!

Supported all apps!

So you are instantly notified about Facebook or Whatsapp messages, Google Play updates and all other notifications!


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3. Setting notification time .

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Could not Ortega happier that executives Universal Pictures' Universal Pictures' its heavy passion considered for the project he told Variety: Notification For SmartWatch 1.1.9 apk free download .

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He also gave us time to get his ideas and let it percolate a bit, they get into the script. And then, at some point,[ Javier] was confident that there was something that he was his own, so he ended up doing it free Space! 1.0 torrent download . So this is a good example of how it actually changes the literal reality of the film, if one has time to listen and respond to have.

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Books & Reference

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From the series of R-rated comedies, the cinema comes this summer were some of the biggest successes of laughter Bad Teacher starring Cameron Diaz, Justin Timberlake and Jason Segel far too little. The raunchy comedy is already scheduled for Blu-Ray/DVD shelves the 18th October hit, but the movie the film in theaters this past summer, you AM/FM Find Radio Stations apk free download . The official Facebook page of the movie just unveiled a round of free Midnight Screenings tonight, September and Saturday, October. You can find the closest theater hosting this free screening here, and do not miss this hilarious film again. So far so far: - Bad Teacher is by Jake Kasdan, who started with Zero Effect and 'Freaks and Geeks ', then directed Orange County, The TV Set and Walk Hard directed. By by Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky, the duo behind Year One co-written, veteran producers and writers of 'The Office 'and the Ghostbusters III script. The film was produced by The Weinstein Company and Mosaic Media and Columbia and Sony Pictures Bad Teacher brought to theaters on 24th See it!

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Chromatic Hits 3 - Cymbals

Music & Audio

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This is a content pack for use with Caustic 2.

You must have Caustic 2 installed to use this!

The concept: often when I use one-shot samples, I would like to have them play higher or lower without changing their duration and/or having them slow down or speed up. That gave me the idea for this set. The set contains 49 instruments that can be played chromatically. They are made from resynthesized one-shot samples.

They are in the monolithic PCMsynth format which means that the samples of a specific instrument are contained in a single file, the individual wav files are not included.

The full set is in three volumes that are sold individually.

This is volume 3- Cymbals: 9 resynthesized acoustic cymbals/hi-hats.

The 2 others are:

1- Mix: 27 instruments covering a range of different timbres.

2- Metal: 13 metallic sounding instruments.

The result: many sounds that can be used as tuned or semi-tuned percussions and others (like the cymbals) where you have low and high pitched sounds of the same speed and length. All instruments have 4 samples per octave and most cover at least 6 octaves.

PDF documentation is included and it can also be viewed on our website.

Also visit our website to download the free single cycle waveform presets for Caustic's PCMSynth!


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' Galaxy Quest ' director Dean Parisot Summit Set for 'RED ' Sequeldetails just come together on this sequel, but it sounds like that is a big step forward if they want to sign a director enough to have found in final negotiations. I'm very curious to see previously been Parisot and if he bring some unique flair of this sequel honestly honestly thought the first RED was somewhat forgettable senseless action. Summit Summit purchased purchased by Lionsgate , is eying a production start later in the year, according to Willis shoots Hard 5 The most probable free Chromatic Hits 3 - Cymbals torrent download . Action and more action for Bruce Willis come in 2012 and 2013 for that matter, if we see this going get to. Stands for Retired, Extremely Dangerous, was a comic book a comic book miniseries by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner artist in 2003, even though by now I am sure that they come with their own story for the sequel.

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My Russound

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Control your Russound C-Series Multiroom Audio system and all connected sources from the comfort of your Android device.

My Russound features include:

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-Full content browsing

A Russound C-Series Controller with firmware version 7.00.02 or later, is required to enjoy the My Russound application.

For systems using Russound DMS-3.1 firmware version 5.00.05 is required.

To find a dealer near you, visit

My Russound is only supported on the MCA-C3 and MCA-C5 series of multiroom audio controllers.

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Comic Book writer Mark Millar Superman Returns Sequel Pitch - UPDATED!They was incredibly nice and gorgeous apologized, but when they discussed the matter seriously DC explained how am I associated with Marvel Comics at the moment and it is against company policy to hire the competition. It's absolutely nothing personal download My Russound 1.0 for free . I talked to some friends at DC and they explained this with a couple of big Marvel writers in the last few years has happened and I totally respect. This is very unfortunate, because like Mark Millar was the perfect man for the job seems to be -. Hopefully some other comic writers out there will be by Mark Millar and try to work on an appropriate distance from her own inpsired. Good luck on your future endeavors.

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The ongoing legal battle Watchmen has almost reached its peak. In a few days we will be a judgment of judge and to know whether or not Warner Brothers, its sixth I am sadlease gets to keep download VirtualBox Manager Premium Key 3.1.7 apk . What ends up happening is undoubtedly go down in history and be fanboys always argue about who was right or wrong. I am sad, to a point where it. The only person who can say something that people come respect directly involved directly involved with the film Drew McWeeny at HitFix has ran an open letter from Lloyd Levin, one of the producers that this fight in a way only be only be an insider addressed.

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Christmas Tripeaks

Cards & Casino

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It's the season to play Tripeaks! But you’ve never seen solitaire like this before – it’s a unique Christmas twist on the classic family favourite.


- 30 wondrous Christmas themed card layouts, plus classic Tripeaks!

- An array of beautiful backdrops to put you in the yuletide mood!

- Unlimited deals, so you never have to start back at the beginning!

- Lots and lots of festive family friendly fun!

Tripeaks Solitaire is amazingly easy to pick up and play, yet utterly enthralling and almost impossible to put down.

All you have to do is move cards from the festive layout on the screen to the foundation pile, but they must be one rank higher or lower than the card already on your foundation pile. If you can’t go then flip another card over from your card pile and see if that’s of any benefit to you.

If you think it sounds simple to learn, it is, but there are hidden depths and skills you pick up along the way to finishing all 31 card layouts. And all the time you’re playing you’ll be immersed in a colourful, cosy, cheerful, fabulous world of Christmas.

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In any case,ust Watch: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Trailer[ Javascript required to view Flash movie, please turn it and refresh this page]You may also download the Sweeney Todd Trailer in High definition at Yahoo - It's one thing that I have to say, but : This trailer is a mess! They slaughtered the hell out of him! It's just wrong with a song that seems completely out of place and is a hurried, confused and horrible trailer. I know this is going to help sell the film, but not as much as it could download Christmas Tripeaks 1.0.0 for free . What happened Paramount? Why have not you a better than this trailer! That looks epic, very epic -. This is the one been waiting for been waiting for, the musical Sweeney Todd starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton. It's dark, it's moody, and it is musical, all wrapped up into one! The buzz is that this might be for a number of Oscar categories, but if you like dark and playful it is, I'm not sure if I agree immediately. In any case, this is a trailer you must take care, as one of this holiday season be the great films to be seen. Beware - Sweeney Todd is coming!

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Sleepy Sounds


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This app turns your Android phone into a baby mobile / noise maker.

Choose to play Lullabies, White Noise, or Nature Sounds to sooth your baby to sleep. The app lets select how long you want the music / sounds to play for, and will loops until that time has finished.

When you start the music / sounds your phone will start a looping animation which will light up a dark room.

Like this app on Facebook:


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This story first appeared in the 2nd November issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.How Taken 2, Sinister reported rushing rushing out of the blocks at 10 clock, projection benefited much more than $ 1 million into something big as midnight download Sleepy Sounds 4.1.1 for free . Paranormal 4 grossed $ 4.5 million in late-night business, less than the previous two titles, but still a strong number.

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Infusion Pro


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with this app you could calculate infusions of drugs quickly and easily, ensuring accuracy and reliability when mounting inotropic, antihypertensive, sedative, and other drugs of frequent handling in intensive care units and emergency departments, improving patient's care and reducing errors when starting intravenous drug perfusion.

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The setting of Ross is a signal service that makes a big push to the other side of reality to scripted entertainment, the company already expanding. Has several scripted projects in the works, Ross said, a new drama for the cable network FX most of Ross' experience with drama and comedy, not reality download Infusion Pro 1.0.1 for free . - When asked about his disappointing tenure, Ross said, there are probably many reasons , but went to work out, adding that it also not dwell on it. :.

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Gold Strike

Brain & Puzzle

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(Note: This is the real official Gold Strike app. Any others you might see are in violation of U.S. copyright).

"I honestly can't think of another game I got this much bang for the buck out of." -- VodGuy

"This is one of those games where when you look at it - you know it is going to be addictive." -- bchuff

Gold Strike, the popular Web-based action/puzzle game has been around for nearly a decade and has been played by millions. Now it is finally available for the iPhone!

You are miner who has struck gold! But the mine is unstable. Remove gold by finding groups of blocks as tremors fill the mine up.

This is a super-charged iPhone version with four bonus game variations from Gold Strike Deluxe included.

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The Heartbreaks will be a year of tour with new dates in London and Manchester in November continues with toured British support of their debut album. ''Funtimes, proposed a number of summer festivals and played a series of shows hysterically hysterical, only after a number one airplay 'Delay that download Gold Strike 1.2 for free . Morecambe four-piece return to domestic duties.

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Puthiya Thalaimurai Live 24x7

News & Magazines

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/// Official Puthiya Thalaimurai News Channel App ///

Puthiya Thalaimurai TV is a 24x7 Live News Channel. Due to its independent editorial stance it became extremely popular in India and abroad within days of its launch and continues to remain so till date. With this app New Generation Media gives live and current information from the channel broadcasts News on Sports, Business and International Affairs.

Puthiya Thalaimurai Android App gives you latest Live News Videos from Tamil Nadu, India, World & Districts News, Sports News & Business News update and Current Affairs Programmes. First time Live News is provided to our featured subscribers through Ticker, Audio & Live TV providing simple yet powerful user experience.

Application Details

•Application with Text Based News Ticker providing Constant Updates / Scrolling News

•Listen to Live Audio News

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This is for One Year Subscription Plan (auto renewed until cancelled). Your subscription automatically renews unless auto-renew is turned off at least 24-hours before the end of the current period. Your account will automatically be charged at the same price for renewal within 24-hours prior to the end of the current subscription period. You can manage your subscriptions through your account settings after purchase on your device. No cancellation or refund option is available once subscription is paid. In case of any discrepancies or support required for subsequent payment cancellation instructions kindly mail to

Version supported from Android 2.3 and Above

Powered By Nua Trans Media

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So this is the future, but what about the past? this filmorget, it was a Masters of the Universe film from 1987 with Dolph Lundgren and Courteney Cox , as is Chu? Forward in terms of what did this film download Puthiya Thalaimurai Live 24x7 1.0 apk .