Screenshot UX
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Screenshot app for Android device(Phone/Tablet).
May require a rooted phone.
Phone list that follows does not require the roots.
- Gallaxy series (S,S2,...)
- HTC phones (Sensation, ...)
- Motorola (Atrix, ...).
- LG Optimus series (G2X, ...)
- Analyzing possible capture method.
- Intuitive Topmost button to screen shot.
- Shake to screen shot.
- Status bar to screen shot.
- Intuitive Countdown feedback UI before screenshot.
- Edit(Crop, Draw/Undo/Redo, ...).
- Share menu integration for Email, MMS, ...
- Choose custom save folder
- Fast start shortcut (Long tab empty home screen > Shortcuts > Select ScreenshotUX icon).
* Rooting may be needed depending model.
You can test with "Screenshot UX Trial" version.
* IF YOUR DEVICE NEEDS ROOT and NOT ROOTED(and not support preloaded capture method),
You have to initalize screenshot service with your desktop.
(There is no other way due to Android security model).
Simply, Attach your phone to your desktop, and execute desktop app(You can download Liveov website,
More detail instruction guide is embedded this app.
* To use topmost camera button on ICS/JB, You have to root.
Google have decided not to export a screenshot service(feature).
May Be due to DRM or privacy issue.
If you root the phone after install ShotUX, Click "Update capture method"
* Please email with issues!
We cannot help you if you only post a review.
Used permissioins:
- CHECK_LICENSE, READ_PHONE_STATE: for Google License Verification Library.
- INTERNET: for connect to localhost screenshot server for rooted phone.
- SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW: for topmost camera button.
- VIBRATE: for vibrate feedback.
- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: to save the screenshot image.
- GET_TASKS: for detect foreground Develoment setting activity for non rooted&non preloaded capture method.
Tags: screenshot screen capture snapshot no root rooting
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Apparently, Warner Bros. Purchased the script was originally by Rami and Etan Cohen wrote, and the revenge of the nerds just turns history on its head. Fun, but I fun, but I can not imagine change that much different from the 80 comedies other than the setting and time Screenshot UX 1.7.8 apk free download . However, it will be interesting to see, Tremaine as comedy handles outside document the silly antics and stunts of the Jackass crew. Count me interested, but thought was a trailer before they fully assessed. How about you?
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