SailGrib WR
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Now, takes into account oceanic and tidal currents.
SailGrib WR is a sailing weather routing app.
It calculates the fastest sailing route between 2 points.
Before you purchase this app, it is highly recommended that you try the free version which is fully functional but limited to :
- requesting and viewing only the next 48 hours forecast
- calculating an unlimited amount of routes of 50NM or less.
- calculating 10 routes between 50 an 150NM.
In SailGrib WR, you can specify amongst other parameters:
- the wind grib file: SailGrib WR includes the regular SailGrib features.
- the start and the destination points,
- the departure date and time,
- the speed polar file of your boat. SailGrib WR uses regular Maxsea polar files (.pol extension)
SailGrib WR includes a set of more than 80 polar files for different sailboats.
- wind limits up and downwind
- minimum upwind angle for comfort while cruising
- night efficiency loss for cruising
- mixed routing: use your engine if you are too slow sailing.
- the current grib file
Important note:
Grib files are computer-generated forecast files which are sent without review, and are offered on an as-is basis. There is no assurance that the data is accurate or correct. By using such data, you acknowledge and agree to these limitations.
The weather routing module is for planning purpose only and should not be used for navigation. The map used by the weather routing algorithm is very coarse and for example does not include all the islands.
By using these data and this algorithm you agree to these limitations and assume all the responsibility for their use.
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Most watchedte was most popular currently Women Pay question In the meantime, on talk radio, where conservatives dominate, were apoplectic host both the question and the answers from both candidates download SailGrib WR 1.2.4 free android app . However, it sounds like he could finally survive only movie as the main character, as Variety says Bean set to lead a whole trilogy of adaptations beginning with Devils Peak, the first part of of the series of Deon Meyer. Bean will play Detective Benny Griessel in history, the alcoholic the aging process is tries to track down a Cape Town vigilante who upon himself taken upon himself with various murderers, drug addicts , and other violent criminals costs. - Sounds like 'Dexter', but told from the other side of the fence. After Devil's Peak, the with 13 with 13 hours and 7 days, and while the plan is to do a bean trilogy of films, the second and third adjustments come into play will on the on the box office success of the first film. From now no director is attached, but producers are Malcolm Kohll Kedar, andr, and Michael S. Murphey, a supervising producer of District 9 and a co - producer of the upcoming adaptation Dredd . At least interested in at least interested, Bean to take on a leadership role, even if the entire alcoholic detective angle seems a bit tired, the story sounds like it could be persuasive.
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