snowman battery widget
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If you are looking for a cute battery widget something different, this is a perfect widget for you!
the snowman will melt away when the battery level gets lower. You can also touch the snowman and see the details about your battery status.
There is one more thing you'd like. the snowman battery widget notice you by changing red color text on your widget when the battery level gets lower than 15% or green color when it's over 95%.
**Indication** the screen and go to widget.
2.small cute snowman(1X1), vivid beautiful snowman heart(2X2) you can choose one of them.
3.what a cute snowman!! can see the battery level
5.touch the snowman if you like to see more info about your battery.
6.Enjoy the best battery widget!!
*at least android 2.1 is needed*
it is chrstmas snow santa xmas new year movie wallpaper widget fun util phone theme.
Download .apk
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